Monday, January 25, 2010

Guido's Latest Offer

"That boy can bribe." A direct quote from the oldest Nowell prince about his own Father.

I found out today that Mike has promised our oldest a small fortune in Wii goodies if he tries his hardest on a qualifying test for a private school. A Christian private school.

I'm having a hard time putting my finger on exactly what is wrong with this scenario besides the fact that I've never been rewarded for or believed in rewarding good grades. I guess, in my mind, the same applies to tests.

Just call us the Nowell Mafia. We've always got an offer our kids can't refuse. And call my husband "Guido" from now on.

So much to be proud about here.


  1. If I start calling Mr. Nowell "the Godfather," you have only yourself to blame. ;-)

  2. I totally endorse that. But, I think "Mr. Guido Corleone" has a nice ring to it, too.
