Monday, December 7, 2009

The New Meaning of RSVP

I've come to realize that RSVP is no longer grounded in the original French words: répondez s'il vous plaît. Anyone who has a Momma who cares knows this means "Please respond." And anyone who has a Momma who has hosted parties knows this means "Pick up the damn phone, take five minutes, and let your hostess know if you are coming or not."

Mommas of the past two generations know that today's meaning has shifted to "Really Show? Very Possibly".

Note the aromatic stench of BS in that response. If you caught the implication that "I'll show if my sorry butt feels like it" you are correct.

And our Grandmas? Rolling over in their graves.

Truly, people of this time don't seem to give a whit about how much time, effort or money you've spent when you extend invitation to entertain them. Emphasis here on the THEM. Generally, when you extend an invitation, you are going out of your way to do something nice for someone else, not yourself. That's the point.

Nothing, and I mean NOTHING, drives me more nuts than a "maybe" response. Either you are unable to read your calendar or you are really mamsy-pamsy when it comes to making decisions.

I like people who respond early and definitively. People who immediately figure out what they are doing the day of the party, decide how they are going to contact you*, and let you know pronto. And then, on the day of the party, actually SHOW UP.

In 2010, I resolve to be that person. I will earn points for being quickest to call. I will remember how much effort my host and hostess put out. I'll even leave the house a little early to be on-time.

I'm hopeful RSVP isn't completely dead. I'm going on the assumption it isn't.

Let's just hope I can remember how to perform CPR.

*Considering it is now possible to respond by regular mail, email, text, in-person, telegram, fax, papyrus, and pigeon, there is NO excuse.


  1. You preach it! You forgot that once the person RSVP's to follow through unless they're on their deathbead.

  2. Don't forget to about Twitter, Facebook, blogs, MySpace, and telephone. :-)

  3. ARGH. I'm being attacked by mutant forms of communication. Someone stop this crazy train.....
