Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Of Course You're Right

One of my favorite lines, in any movie, EVER is Carrie Fisher's "You're right. You're right. I know you're right."*

Of course, her character, Marie, continues to say this OVER and OVER again, never heeding the advice that will infinitely improve her life.

Isn't life just like that, though? It's a continuum of KNOWING instinctively what we SHOULD do then doing what we know we SHOULDN'T do. Then, regretting our decision, and turning around and doing the right thing.

I'm constantly on wee ones around here to get it right the first time. Cripe--if they could recapture the time they spent re-brushing their teeth** or returning to their rooms to make their beds *again*, they would have enough time to watch all six episodes of Star Wars in 1/60th motion, with plenty of potty and snack breaks.

The big kids in this house aren't without their own issues. On point: if diabetes was actually directly in proportion to the amount of sugar a human body consumed, I'd have been diagnosed when I was two. I can't remember a time in my life when I wasn't looking for the white stuff***.

The frequency of my sugar cravings actually astounds even me. You'd think I'd know better than to heed the cravings. I KNOW, from plenty of experience, that having a big slice of cake after lunch is directly related to a 2pm slump**** AND the cottage cheese that has taken up residence on my thighs and backside. I also know, from experience, that when I give up sugar, I feel 1000% times better. Yet, back I go, again and again.

I guess it's all about the journey, though. We all have to learn life's lessons. Some of us are just really.slow.learners.

And of myself I say "You're right. I know you're right."

*From one of the bestest movies of all times "When Harry Met Sally".

**A constant battle for us. They are not at all moved by the "sugar bugs" that are attacking their teeth because they eat so little sugar. Our oral hygiene has been foiled by a good diet.

***Thank goodness I never graduated to "the other white stuff". It's not exactly as innocent as "the other white meat".

****The need for a nap of monumental proportions, more appropriately. Problem is, this is the exact same time carpool starts. OOPS.

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