Sunday, October 11, 2009

Going to the dogs

Doug and Tex have this ridiculous game they play every night. It's called "Run circles around the house without busting dutt"*.

They literally start in the kitchen and run through the family room, into the entryway, through the dining room and Mike's office and back to the kitchen. If they are particularly feisty, they run the circle again. And again. And again.

Problem is, they are running across slick tile and wood floors. Not much to "stick" to, so they are prone to hitting door jambs, cabinets, and chairs. Full-speed. If I could ever think to catch this on tape, we'd automatically go to the head of the line for the $100,000 prize on "America's Funniest/Stupidest Videos".

Lately, Tex has taken to stopping in the kitchen and standing on his hind legs, paws strategically on the counter, to "search" for Doug.

Problem is, he's too short to see over the counter and he always gets yelled at**, which gives him completely away. Yet, his natural lack of neuron-firing, intelligence-producing, brain-power causes him to do this over and over again.

Doug, for his part, stops when he realizes Tex has gone into super-spy mode and gets REALLY STILL. He figures "Tex is so dumb, if I don't make any noise I'll be invisible to him."

Problem is, Doug is the dummy on this one. Instead of remaining still, in a good hiding place, the minute Doug hears Tex's tags, he knows Tex has taken his paws off the counter and is back in circle mode. So Doug runs for the hills. So much for being "stealth dog".

Then the circle game starts all over again. At least until Momma gets sick of it and opens the back door and shoos them outside.

About ten minutes later the "Annoy Momma 'til she opens the door" game begins. That's the one where Tex repeatedly jumps on the door and scratches at the glass until he's let in.

And I voluntarily brought this into my life?

Ay, caramba.

*That's short for "dog butt".

**If you plan on dining at my house, please know that I clean the counters with semi-regularity.

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